HBSE NSQF Non Semester Extra Exam June/July-2015 for Level-I to Level-IV - Haryana Education News


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08 May 2015

HBSE NSQF Non Semester Extra Exam June/July-2015 for Level-I to Level-IV

image : HBSE NSQF June/July-2015 for Level-1 to Level-4 @ Haryana-Education-News.blogspot.com
Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani provided link for Non Semester Extra Exam June/July-2015 (Level-1 to Level-4) under "NSQF" project. It is notable that this exam is only for students who have opted applied learning subjects in Govt schools (Haryana State) under the “NSQF” project . Students can visit official website of HBSE i.e. bseh.org.in for further information. Then they can visit the link for Non Semester Extra Exam June/July-2015

HBSE NSQF Non Semesterized Extra Exam June/July-2015 (Level-1 to Level-4)

1 comment:

  1. Dear sir,
    What is the progarme of extand conract of vocational teachers.
